Mr. Joshua Bussey – Howard University
While attending Howard University, there are numerous students (such as myself that have to constantly find means of financial support due to Howard being privately funded and expensive. The support of this scholarship helped insure that I would continue to be able to study at the university of my dreams and inspires me to go out into my community and give back to those who have helped me along my first year of college. Being funded by the Chi Gamma Gamma chapter has taught me to remain grounded in what my academics and not get caught up in the scene of being in college, which is exactly what I did. Whenever I wasn’t in a classroom setting, I would continue to place myself in my study and think of various ways I can increase my knowledge in Acting, Dance, or Singing. Because of this I found opportunities throughout my first year to showcase, express, and reflect on my talents and continue growing as an artist.

                                                                                                                                   Mr. Nashun Thorton — Clark Atlanta University
My year at Clark Atlanta was wonderful! I met friends, had intriguing classes, and plenty of free time! The scholarship assisted me in knocking off how much more money I needed to be financially enrolled. Thanks to that, I was eventually able to get all my financial troubles dealt with for the school year. I’ve recently been involved with this student lead group called Spear Success, where we encourage, uplift, and empower our fellow classmates through fun activities, deep talks, and successful meetings. I even met new friends from that group, so I can say I don’t regret being a part of it. 

                                                                                                     Mr. Ziyear Oyefesobi – Brown College
The scholarship support benefited me in a huge way. I was able to purchase my books and other material I needed for my college courses. I am very grateful for the scholarship, as I did not realize the books were so expensive. I can honestly say, without the scholarship support, I would have struggled in obtaining these items. Knowing that I was equipped with the essentials I needed to achieve my goals my first year of college was very helpful and took some added pressure off of myself as well as my mom. The activity that I participated in my first year in college was football. Being a college student/athlete is very demanding. While participating on the football team I have learned that time management is extremely important. I had to stay focused in order to make time for my studies and playing football. Playing football has shaped me into being a better me in the classroom and on the field every day, because each day is a new day and I plan to achieve all the goals I have set for my life.

                                                                                                        Mr. Samuel Patterson – University of MD Baltimore City
The scholarship has allowed me to breathe a lot easier than I otherwise would be. My studies are challenging enough without also having to worry about how to also finance them. Even still, I had a lot of issues with money this past year (getting loans approved, receiving private scholarship checks, etc.). I’m just glad that the Chi Gamma Gamma chapter was so reliable and dependable. Knowing that I had this scholarship down really gave me comfort and security when dealing with other financial troubles.